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Sculpture message

Public garden sculpture

       Public gardens are places that provide people with leisure and entertainment, with a relaxed and lively atmosphere. In this environment, placing several sculptures can enhance the cultural connotation and artistic atmosphere of the garden. As a part of garden landscapes, sculpture is not a form of decoration, but a landscape of twenty-one. Generally, landscape includes natural landscape, economic landscape and cultural landscape. Sculpture in gardens is naturally a form of cultural landscape.

       As a cultural landscape sculpture, the selection should pay attention to the following principles. Firstly, there should be cultural connotations. Public garden sculptures are usually aimed at the public, and without cultural connotations, they are difficult to be accepted by the public, let alone appreciated. Secondly, it should be easy to appreciate. To be easy to appreciate, sculpture must be popularized. It must be emphasized that popularization is not vulgarization. It must be comparable to the local cultural level and cannot exceed the cultural appreciation of the local people too much. By the way, in order for sculpture to be appreciated by the public, sculptors also need to impart methods of appreciation to the public.

      hirdly, the sculpture must match the garden in which it is located. At present, many sculptors blindly pursue innovation and often forget such a rule. Of course, it's not that sculpture does not require innovation, it's just that innovation is all about certain conditions. Some sculptures placed in public gardens are very innovative and have many innovative elements, but no one is interested because innovation exceeds certain conditions. Fourthly, sculpture should preferably reflect a certain trend in contemporary society. Social progress requires sculpture to keep up with the times.

Contact Us

Phone:13451917808 Ms.Sun

Phone:13913853943 Mr.Ma



Add:Guli Industrial Park, Jiangning District, Nanjing City
