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Public Space Sculpture

    Public space sculpture, as the name suggests, is a sculpture within a public space. It has three meanings here. 1、 Publicity. Since it is a public space, publicity is what it should be. 2、 Popularity. Being in a public space inevitably brings you into contact with various people. Thirdly, limitations. Place it in a public space without damaging the overall effect of the space. From this, it can be seen that creating a good public space sculpture also requires following several principles.

    Firstly, it is necessary to have cultural connotations and be able to cultivate one's character. People often say that sculpture can cultivate sentiment because sculpture itself is art. However, it is easy to overlook that art has a distinction between high and low levels, as well as a distinction between elegance and vulgarity.

    Secondly, it should be easy to appreciate and absorb. If the beauty or value of sculpture is too obscure for most people to appreciate, then this sculpture is not considered a success.

    Thirdly, it should complement the space it is located in. Many times, a sculpture appears dispensable when placed there. A true public space sculpture must be able to integrate into this space and become a part of it. For the beauty or effect of the entire space, it must be indispensable. At the same time, it is also a major highlight of this space.

    Fourthly, it is important to convey one's emotions and ideas, making one feel incredibly beautiful. This is for the production of sculptures. Only by being serious and adhering to the concept of pursuing perfection, and striving to achieve moving sculptures, can one have a soul and be vivid. Sculpture without a soul is like a person without a soul but only a body.

Contact Us

Phone:13451917808 Ms.Sun

Phone:13913853943 Mr.Ma



Add:Guli Industrial Park, Jiangning District, Nanjing City
