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Sculpture theories

Sketch sculpture creation

Sketch is a form of painting, mainly refers to the use of monochrome lines and block surfaces to describe the image of objects on the plane material. Sketch is the basis and one of the basic skills of plastic arts.

The hand-painted manuscript of sculpture design is a rapid modeling that uses the combination of line and surface and light and dark to express the design idea on flat paper. In particular, the relief design draft should first understand the historical and cultural background of its design and the surrounding environment of its completion, determine the size, and then make the overall layout. From the beginning of the large outline, first form the relief concept map, and then form the language form of the sculpture through the interlacing and combination of various elements. Then, according to its proportion and structure, use various lines of different angles - horizontal, vertical, inclined, or long, Or short, gradually draw it on paper to form a relief line draft, which reflects the use of sketch in sculpture, which is conducive to modeling and modification.

The hand-painted manuscripts of abstract sculpture modeling and circular sculpture design also use the principles of line and surface shading and perspective in the sketch to express the design idea. After the hand-painted manuscripts are modified satisfactorily, they can be scanned to the computer for plane effect drawing production, or the three-dimensional space relationship can be directly presented by modeling in 3D according to the modeling.

In general, the sculpture design draft emphasizes the performance of the central line of the sketch. Based on the very accurate line, it records the creative inspiration quickly, and with the appropriate shading to reflect the shape, strengthen the surface of the line, and enhance the performance of the beauty of the shape. The remote sculpture company specially requires the designer to study hard and practice, to be handy, accurately capture the creative inspiration, and achieve a qualitative leap.

Contact Us

Phone:13451917808 Ms.Sun

Phone:13913853943 Mr.Ma



Add:Guli Industrial Park, Jiangning District, Nanjing City
