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What is perspective

The perspective art technique refers to the painting technique gradually established in the 14th century. Gippetti is the earliest sculptor who applied perspective to artistic creation in his era. Due to the perspective study of human visual perception in modern society, the scope and content of perspective have been expanded. The linear perspective method is the product of the Renaissance, that is, to reproduce the actual spatial position of objects according to scientific rules. Linear perspective is the vision and rules explored by sculptors and painters in the process of solving space problems.
In fact, perspective has appeared thirty thousand years ago. Before linear perspective appeared, there were various perspectives. For example, vertical perspective draws the objects far from the viewer on the plane on the objects close to the viewer; Oblique perspective extends the objects far away from the viewer upward along the oblique centerline, overlapping the foreground objects on the rear object; Near big far small method, draw the far object smaller than the near equivalent object: the near zoom method intentionally reduces the near part to prevent the performance of the far part from blocking due to the normal near perspective; Air perspective method, the farther the object is, the more blurred the image is; Due to the air blocking the eyes, the color perspective method makes the object bright when it is close to the color, and gray when it is far away.

Contact Us

Phone:13451917808 Ms.Sun

Phone:13913853943 Mr.Ma



Add:Guli Industrial Park, Jiangning District, Nanjing City
