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Commemorative sculpture

For a city, the display forms of landscape sculpture are diverse, including large sculptures with beautiful shapes and strong artistic sense; There are also magnificent commemorative sculptures, more of which are decorative sculptures often seen on the roadside.

Among many display forms, cultural memorial sculpture is a very common and important form of sculpture. Especially in peacetime, commemorative sculptures are particularly important and of great educational significance, such as the monument to the people's heroes in front of the Tiananmen Square after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the group sculptures of the heroes fighting the flood in 1998, the head sculpture of astronaut Yang Liwei and the relief of the Wenchuan earthquake site.

Among them, the most well-known monumental sculptures should be large and small monuments. At the beginning of the reform and opening up, this kind of monument is very common. Almost every city has set up many kinds of monuments. From the completion of public buildings to the construction of bridges and roads, the establishment of monuments is not only to commemorate the hard work of human and material resources of the project at that time, but also an integral part of cultural heritage. The description of the inscription is also relatively detailed, which will also have high historical research value in the future, At the same time, the calligraphy art of many famous calligraphers has been well displayed.

With the improvement of aesthetic requirements, in the later stage, the form of the monument has also changed significantly, and more forms of memorial sculpture have replaced the single monument. The material is not only stone, but also metal, sandstone, fiberglass, etc. Especially for tourist cities and emerging cities, more concepts and cultural artistry have been applied, and they have become a bright landscape of the city in terms of their unique shapes and forms of expression. For example, the landmark sculpture of Dalian Xinghai Square is composed of two parts. One is the relief of the citizens' footprints, which symbolizes the future glory of Dalian from the old to the new, and is the witness of the city's development step by step; The other part is a desk square with open books, symbolizing the sense of history of Dalian. Many tourists come to Dalian to take a group photo in front of the sculpture, becoming one of the most famous scenic spots in this tourist city.

Therefore, commemorative sculpture is not only to commemorate the development and history of the city, but also to undertake a lot of external publicity and promotion. It uses a sculpture group to form a whole language to express and show itself, so that citizens can feel the progress of the city, and produce more cultural identity and sense of belonging to the city.

Nowadays, urban sculpture has become the most important link in urban construction, and the choice of sculpture theme is also very important. It is often necessary to consider the development route of the city and the aesthetic taste of the citizens, and make a comprehensive consideration in all aspects of economy and politics before planning and creating the final draft. Because of its special form of expression, memorial sculpture has an important creative position that cannot be replaced.

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Phone:13451917808 Ms.Sun

Phone:13913853943 Mr.Ma



Add:Guli Industrial Park, Jiangning District, Nanjing City
