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Sculpture make

Future flower sculpture

  • Future flower sculpture
Future flower sculpture

There is a flower in the soil on the bank of the Mercy River, which can capture the wind and convert it into light. This flower has 120 stainless steel perforated petals. When the 60V low voltage LED lamp on it is lit, the petals will gently sway in the wind and emit light. When there is no wind, the sun shines brightly, and the petals shine brightly in the sky. The wind speed is different, and the intensity of the light is also different, presenting a dynamic flower with changing color. Far from the chemical plant, the flower of the future is like a beacon, attracting people to the waterfront area to feel the beauty of nature and the vastness of the sky. Seen from a distance, the standing "Future Flower" looms in the fog, and the horizon appears clearer under its background. A little closer, the layers of net petals will change with the tourists' movement. The design inspiration of "Future Flower" comes from the combination of industry and nature. It yearns for a bright future of renewable energy, and also represents optimism and confidence in the future development of Wadnice.


Contact Us

Phone:13451917808 Ms.Sun

Phone:13913853943 Mr.Ma



Add:Guli Industrial Park, Jiangning District, Nanjing City
